Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Common Printing And Advertising Mistakes

The advertising world. This is where you see people taking on different approaches to their advertising, ranging from the silly to the annoying up to the insulting. People choose these different approaches for their own reasons. Others may be just plain ignorant about the advertising and marketing formulas they are using.

With printing getting more and more modern everyday, the creativity of the people are put into limitless boundaries. Seems that the creativity of the people are getting enhanced.

If you plan on handling your own advertising and printing, there are some mistakes you need to take note and avoid at all costs…

1. Pictures that have nothing to do with what you are advertising about. Do the people realize what you want to convey just by looking at the pictures? Pictures and photos may seem so wonderful that you cannot resist using it on your site. Harden your resistance!

If you want people to remember you because of the pictures you use, make sure that they will remember you on a more positive and productive note. You would not want to be remembered as the one with a silly and weird picture not connected to

2. Cheesy headlines. Your headlines may have that cheesy quality that is needed to catch the attention of your readers, but do they give the right impression too? You certainly do not want people mistaking you as something just because of the way you do your headlines. And you do not want them in print.

Think before printing any headline you think is good. It is better to ask the opinion of other people before doing so because they will give you an initial impression about what they think of it.

3. Illegible fonts. Most people will not take the time to try and decipher what you want to say when they see it written in brush or anything like that. Even the latest and most beautiful font used is rendered useless if the people do not have any idea what it is in the first place.

Save the artistic fonts for accents and other designs. In the meantime, try to use simple and clean fonts for headlines and body copy.

For your printing materials to be effective and for it to work for other advantages you are hoping for, avoid these common mistakes that people make in doing their advertising.

Keep in mind. You are advertising and printing about yourself.

by: Florie Lyn Masarate

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tricks and Tips in Poster Advertising

A poster is a visual representation comprising of whatever a person wants to convey to its readers. If done effectively, posters can influence or entice readers to make an action. Advertising through posters necessitates a business owner to consider some tricks and techniques in order to catch the attention of its prospects. Although a simple poster always do the trick, it is still essential that you do something unique and different in order to please your readers. Here are a few pointers to consider:

Use different posters. As much as possible don’t use similar posters. Your readers will get bored if you use the same posters all through out your advertising. You don’t need to change your poster every week but you can try a monthly change or even a quarterly change.

Try using different poster sizes. Large posters can easily grab attention but when the space is limited you obviously cannot post your large poster in such a small space. For this reason, you can print your posters in varying sizes. Small posters are often great for smaller boards and they can be easily squeezed in-between posters on crowded spaces.

Simplicity is the key. It is important to keep your design simple. Do not be tempted to fill your poster with so many images and text. Keep in mind that crowded posters can look like a blur from a distance. Your goal is to get noticed and stand out among other posters and the best way to do this is to us simple design, text and content.

Clearly state your benefits. A good marketing material is one that is able to clearly state the benefits of the products or services to its customers. It is not important to only say how great your products are but to also let the readers know how you can meet their needs and wants.

Be nice. In posting your posters make sure that you are not covering up someone else’s posters. If there is little space left on a board for you to post on look for old and expired posters. Don’t just cover up other posters. Respect other’s space. Remember that you will be in that board for long so as long as you respect other’s posters they will likewise respect yours.

Finally, just like a man who wants to furnish his room, you need to take a good look at your poster before printing it. Take a look at the space where you will put your products and services then run in words and images accordingly. Keep in mind that if you crowd it too much it can be unattractive to your readers and if you leave a lot of blank space it can look scanty and unprofessional. The point is to fill your poster with just enough words and illustration to make it eye-catching and substantial.

For this reason, it is important that you carefully study the advertising space at your disposal. You should have a good idea of how the poster will appear in print. Remember that you are producing your material for your business, so make sure you are getting a job done well.

by: Viojieley Gurrobat